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Blog Create content faster with Planable AI

Create content faster with Planable AI

AI is the marketer’s dream assistant to remove writer’s block and put out content faster. So I bet you’ve tried at least one AI tool by now.

But why waste time switching between tools and teaching general AIs about social, when you can have it all in one integrated platform?

Yes, I’m graciously hinting at Planable’s social media-savvy AI assistant. It’s conveniently placed in the composer, so you can have it handy when creating and scheduling posts.

And if my word is not enough, here’s a stat: 42% of Planable users recurrently use AI. And another: 75% of texts generated with AI are accepted and used in the posts.

So here’s what Planable AI helps you with:

1. Generate captions from scratch

Quickly describe what you need, and the AI delivers. Start a new post, click Generate with AI, and describe what you’re looking for.

Social media post draft, with the image of blueberries on a purple background, with the option to Generate with AI

2. Generate captions for images

You’ll often find yourself looking to post an image in need of a quick, catchy description. First, upload your image (or images, if you’re working on a carousel), then hit Generate caption for image.

Facebook post draft with added image from the media library and AI generated caption for image

3. Generate captions for videos

Very similar to images, AI works for videos as well. It’ll understand what’s in your video and give you a caption to match.

Instagram post with AI generated caption for video

4. Improve existing copy

When you have your text but aren’t quite there, Planable AI comes with 4 predefined options, as well as the possibility to add your custom instructions.

Make it shorter

The “Make it shorter” prompt will rewrite your text more concisely, keeping the format and context.


Surprise me

Ask Planable AI to surprise you with a rewrite of your text in a different tone of voice. You can try multiple iterations and polish the result you like best.

Instagram post with image, caption, and AI generated rewrite for the caption, through the Surprise me button

Expand concept

Takes your idea and adds more info to it. Comes in handy when you’ve got the main point down but need to flesh it out with more substance and depth.

Instagram post with a caption and AI generated rewrite for the caption, through the Expand concept button

Make it punchier

That moment when you’re almost there. Happy with your message, but you’d like it a bit fine-tuned? This one brings your caption home.

Instagram post with video, caption, and AI generated rewrite for the caption, through the Make it punchier button

Custom instructions

You know best what you want. Let your imagination run, and ask Planable AI to help you in any way you need. Add hashtag, emoji, continue text, make it funnier… Go wild and make that copy shine!

Instagram post with image, caption, and AI generated rewrite for the caption, through a custom instruction asking to make the text into a question and add hashtags

And since AI is never as smart as you, you can always tweak the end result until it’s just right. Accept the text suggested by AI and bring it home before you hit Save or Schedule.

Simple, isn’t it?! And right where you need it, when you need it. So let us help you create copy that’s straight fire, without the burnout. Not sure how to craft the perfect prompt for the perfect caption? Here are 50 social media prompts to get you started! 

Give Planable AI a try! We promise it’ll be love at first write.

Looking for more AI marketing tools to help you out? Check out these AI tools for social media.

Miruna Dragomir

Miruna Dragomir, CMO @Planable, ex Social Media Comms Manager @Oracle & ex Marketing Coordinator @Uber. 9 years of experience in social media and marketing. Built Planable’s brand and reputation and helped grow it from 50 customers to over 6.5K. Social media fanatic, tech geek & a sucker for learning.

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