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Collect and manage the content of all your locations

Capture local content from on-site teams

Easy content creation.
Be it at HQ or on the
front lines.

“It makes the creative process much easier. I like
that it’s easy to use and makes creating content
much simpler.

Emmanuel A. | G2 Crowd Review

Social media post composer with multiple platforms selected.

The most user-friendly
tool out there

Mobile app to create
content on-the-go

Icons for multiple platforms: YouTube, X, Pinterest, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, Google Business Profile, Blog, Facebook, Newsletter, Threads

All the platforms. Including
Google Business Profile.

The features any
local creator needs

Crosspost to your
corporate and local

There’s hyper localized content and there’s global news. We get it. Make it easy for HQ & local marketers to get inspired and help spread the news.

List view with multiple posts and the option to copy selected posts to other workspaces.

All media assets
finally organized

Local teams upload directly from the
mobile app. No more assets lost or wasted.

Approval workflows
that work the way you do

Approval rules per location to fit whichever scenario

“No other tool simplified our approvals & scheduling
process the way Planable has.”

Rachel G. @Lamplighter Marketing

Feedback without the guesswork,
right next to your content

“It’s so much easier to work on content as a team. Before publishing, our team can comment, approve, and exchange ideas on individual posts. Compared to sending e-mails back and forth, this is a real time saver!

Stefan G. | G2 Crowd Review

Annotations to leave
specific feedback

Approval requests inbox
to always know your to-do

Simple, one click

Get instant overview,
across your locations

Schedule & publish

Done with feedback and approvals?
Your content will be automatically scheduled.
No double work in Planable.

Total control, total peace of mind.
Empower creativity risk-free.

Set granular
for extra safety

Required approvals:
no publishing
without greenlight

Lock content
after approval – no
mistakes, ever

Version control to see
who did what when for
extra accountability

Where marketing a
gazillion locations
feels like one
