Are you seeking Agorapulse alternatives to step up your social media marketing efforts? Or perhaps, you're just getting your feet wet and are looking for your first social media management tool. Either way, there are plenty of social media management tools to choose...
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The Ultimate List of Marketing Communities
Sharing your work, asking for feedback in marketing communities or even chatting with like-minded people may sound easy. When in reality finding valuable communities or even people to do this with is challenging. So many varying channels exist wherein you can share ideas, posts, and works. Even challenge others to create something better, receive feedback and suggest concepts. The list goes on, which makes it in some cases, difficult to navigate.
Believe it or not. Many marketers fail to utilize these tools to their full potential due to the failure of a clear breakdown of what exactly these tools do. Which categories they fit into… which is where we come in.
Don’t forget that marketing communities are places to learn, exchange ideas, meet new friends or even find work.
Here we present you a comprehensive list of the biggest social media and marketing communities online. We wholeheartedly encourage you to explore communities and make new friends!
Groups allow like-minded people to share content with a targeted, willing audience — and lots of it. Because group content doesn’t show up in the News Feed of non-members. You don’t have to worry about annoying people with stuff they don’t care about. The flip side of this is that you can discover content you might not have seen otherwise.
Your friends share things, too. If they have a place where they can post stuff with people they know are interested. They may be more likely to open up. It may take a bit of time or effort to get participation going. But chances are you’ve got some enthusiastic friends who would love to join a more niche group given the chance.
Link Building Slack Community
Marketers & Founders
Marketers & Founders is a Facebook Group dedicated to empowering entrepreneurs who break the mold. They live stream AMAs with Silicon Valley entrepreneurs every Wednesday. BAMF works hard to provide the most cutting-edge marketing tactics for accelerating startup growth. Founded by Josh Fechter.
Future Marketing
Future Marketing is a Facebook group which is oriented around the future of online marketing. It’s a place where experts share their knowledge, methods, tips & tricks, hacks & even UX tools that make their businesses stand out from the rest.
Digital Marketing Questions (Facebook)
This group is meant for all digital marketing professionals (or people who want to learn). For example SEO, PPC, social, Analytics – to ask questions, network and share relevant industry content.
The Content Marketing Lounge (Facebook)
A free group for content marketing professionals. It’s a place to have real conversations about the art and science of content marketing as Nathan Collier says.
CopyMonk (Facebook)
A group at the intersection between copywriting and content. CopyMonk is the place where business owners who sell online courses can find amazing discussions about direct response copywriting. This is a discussion forum. A place to hang out with like-minded people, talk about interesting stuff and share relevant things.
Screw the Nine to Five Community
This marketing community is a place to come together to share insights, tips, questions, answers, and most importantly support for one another in their entrepreneurial journey.
Agency Vista
Join Agency Vista, the largest marketing agency network of 45,000+ members worldwide. Their verified members share ideas and tips through their #FeatureFriday blog category — providing readers with vetted knowledge from skilled marketers. Their network also allows businesses to discover verified marketing agencies, review trending agency tools, and connect with top agency experts.
Freedom Hacker’s Mastermind #freedomhacking
Freedom hacker is an individual who lives their life in accordance with their own free spirit; specific to online entrepreneurship #freedomhackers®. Kimra Luna created this group so like-minded entrepreneurs can help and support each other, ask questions, build relationships and celebrate each other’s win in business. Private Mastermind Group
A private mastermind group where members discuss niche marketing/affiliate marketing. Regularly reveal untapped niche markets and insider niche ‘hacks’.
Social Media Managers
A place for Social Media Managers and strategists to connect, share, ask questions, and have fun with fellow SMMs, of all levels are welcome. Some of the members are brand new and some are seasoned professionals. All there are to learn and grow—all questions and insights are valued.
Slack community feels like mIRC chats in the 90s, similar interface and concept make it a great place to meet people you can chat with. Join a community by signing up in a simple form and wait for your invitation on Slack. It’s easy.
Buffer Community
Lovely marketing community of great people all over the world, willing to share what they’ve done in the last week, feedback on your product or service, tell advice or share a tip on creating a better social media post. Alfred Lua (@alfred_lua) is the Community Champion and the first person people talk to. Drop him a message to say “Hi!” and tell him about yourself, what are you doing, where are you from, and who you want to meet in #introductions. If you are from San Francisco, London, Berlin, or another big city, feel free to join #z-area channels. Ready to start chatting?
Online Geniuses
David Markowich (@davidmarkovich_) did an amazing job to grow this community up to 5000 members! One of the biggest marketing communities available at the moment. OGs are Internet Marketers who represent niches from Social Media Marketing, CRO, PPC, SEO, and almost every vertical in the IM space.
Inbound ORG
Showcase your marketing achievements, read curated articles by the Inbound ORG team, and find quality jobs from other quality marketers in the community.
Trello slack
This community is relatively new. Speak with the Trello team directly, ask them about upcoming features, share your tips on using Trello for marketing projects, and exchange boards with other members to share best practices.
Designer Hangout
Join 7500+ UX designers and researchers from around the world to discuss user experience in the UX Slack community. It’s a designer community, but every marketer should have different skills, and here you can learn them. Ask designers about visuals on the last piece you’ve created for the blog, or how to make the UX better asking for website feedback. Sure you can find the best people to talk to. Designer Hangout organizes lots of events where you can talk to the world’s leading designers and product managers from the biggest companies including InvisionApp and Facebook.
Design Talks
Members are encouraged to share their works and ask for feedback. They talk about UI/UX Design, Web Design, Illustrations, freelancing. Resources, jobs, events and anything else you can find here.
9-year-old community of designers, developers, investors, and entrepreneurs. Members and founders of this community created companies backed up by Y Combinator and big VCs. If you are excited to become a CMO or co-founder in a new startup, speak with investors about your idea or just share marketing tips. It’s a place for you. Follow founders on Twitter @Jon, @Marshal and @Digit.
Startup Chat
Startup Chat is the first global startup community, with channels representing every country on earth, you can find and connect with peers when you’re traveling or expanding. Give and get feedback and share your thoughts with over 5000 other startup founders, investors, press, and talent.
Nomad List
The best places to work in a city, where the fastest WiFi is or how to rent an apartment without getting scammed, it’s a real-time interactive source of information for digital nomads. Your use will probably depend heavily on how many other people are in your city. Jobs feed spits out new posts from remote.ok and there’s also freelance stuff posted on jobs as a running feed from the users. It’s the only community in this list that’s not for free and costs 75$ annual fee to be part of it, but some of the users witnessed “It has probably saved me at least $1k in time and hard costs and earned me a couple of times that.” It’s up to you if you decide to join this community created by Pieter Levels.
ProductHunt Global
This is an amazing opportunity to bridge online and IRL communities like never before. It fits perfectly with a fundamental part of the PH experience – a place where people previously unknown/inaccessible (makers, CEOs, product people) can meet and interact with those who are interested in some cool products, as Jeff Needles comments on the Product Hunt page of the community.
A place to share, explore, and discuss literally anything. Reddit allows you to get information so much faster and from so many more sources than anything in human history. If you aren’t using Reddit, or something like Reddit, and you are in a business that relies on ideas (which is every business) that everyone who knows how to use this system has a major advantage over you.
Biggest community on Reddit for marketers, interesting marketing discussion, and questions are waiting for you there. Find hacks to growth your community on Instagram, how to create better Ads for Facebook, AMAs with experts in the field, a guide to getting press coverage, jokes, and marketing-related articles.
This is the first place to go on reddit for social media experts and enthusiasts. Intended for professionals who are actively engaged in social media, freelancers, marketers, agencies and in-house social media teams. Discuss new trends on social networks, upcoming updates, how to get new followers, case studies and news.
Ground Zero for ad creators, students, copywriters, affiliates, and anyone else who is finely honing their reverse banner blindness for professional reasons. Ads of the year, global campaigns, books, skills improvements on /r/Advertising.
Use marketing communities to find your customers and receive original feedback. Most of the communities have a #shameless-plug where you can freely promote a product or service. Boost the awareness of the company you are working in, discuss your solution, share your problems within the industry and things you are struggling with. It’s important to build relationship with your first users, and communities are an ideal place for this.
These are the new way to engage with people on Twitter and create meaningful conversations. The chats are at a specific time and often repeat weekly or are only at announced times. Twitter chats are growing in popularity. Brands host weekly sessions, celebrities of all types conduct hour-long Q&As for their fans, and hobbyists or experts gather to discuss their passions. Engage into discussions, ask people, reply to other answer, discuss subjects and exchange ideas, that’s what you should do in a Twitter Chat. Sometimes it’s difficult to find the right Twitter Chat for you. That’s why we present you a list of the best marketing feeds for you.
BufferChat (Wednesday | Host: @Buffer)
Weekly Twitter chat organized by @ariellemargot, where Buffer community discusses, learns, and connects with each other. The weekly topics range in areas from social media, to content marketing, to productivity, to self-improvement, to work culture, and everywhere in between! It’s an awesome chance for hundreds of folks from our community to come together each week to learn a lot from each other, share their knowledge and advice with others, and build deeper connections with one another.
AdweekChat (Wednesday 2pm ET | Host: @Adweek)
It was launched a few years ago, at a time when a lot of people thought the trend of Twitter chats had come and gone. 200-400 people participate in #AdweekChat each week. “I feel like we at the magazine have gotten to know many of them really well, and we really look forward to seeing what our regulars are going to contribute to the conversation each week. Our goal at Adweek is to help all our readers do their jobs better, and it’s been amazing to watch the frequent #AdweekChat participants rise in their careers since we launched the chat..” witnessed @griner, creator.
Hootchat (Thursday 1pm PST | Host: @Hootsuite)
Each week, Hootsuite hosts a #HootChat on Twitter focused on social media and community management. They bring in an expert for each week’s topic. Every Thursday from 12-1PST, about 500 social media marketing enthusiasts and practitioners discuss an aspect of the field live online.
TwitterSmarter ( Thursday 10am PT | Host: @MadalynSklar)
The #TwitterSmarter chat is a chat for entrepreneurs and business owners, as well as social media marketers and managers. It’s become a welcome destination to connect, learn and share Twitter tips. The chat is hosted by Twitter Marketing Expert @MadalynSklar every Thursday at 1pm ET/10am PT. She brings an incredible line-up of guests sharing their expertise including Kim Garst, Neal Schaffer, Peg Fitzpatrick, Aaron Lee, Diana Adams, Brian Honigman, and more. Everyone is invited to share their tips too.
ContentChat ( Monday noon PT | Host: @SFerika)
Members share ideas and tips on social media marketing, blogging, technology, content strategy, and more. “Through #ContentChat I’ve learned so much that has helped me in my day-to-day work as a content marketer both from the special guests, and from the community participants. It’s great to have a way to give back to our profession” witnessed @SFerika for us. The chat takes place every Monday at noon Pacific/3 PM Eastern/9 PM CET, except on U.S. national holidays.
BrandChat (Wednesday 10am CT | Host: @MariaDuron
Weekly chat Weds 10am CT about branding moderated by @MariaDuron (founder), @Mr_Mcfly. & @GeraldMoczynski. BRANDidos (term of endearment for chat participants) provide insights, case studies, questions, thoughts and challenging conversations to stretch your mind and resources on special topics.
MarketingMinds (Friday 3pm GMT | Host: @Meltwater)
Twitter chats provide many benefits for companies who participate, such as improving visibility, community size and credibility through thought leadership. They are also fun to participate in and easy to join – simply follow the chat hashtag (such as #MarketingMinds) on Twitter and reply to the questions with A1, A2, A3 and so on. You’ll be surprised at how much you learn from other thought leaders in your field. Melwater’s #MarketingMinds takes place every Friday at 3PM GMT, join us and see for yourself!
#CMWorld (Tuesdays 12pm ET | Host: @CMIcontent)
Discuss the latest trends in content marketing and get advice from some of the experts. Join CMI (@CMIContent) and a guest as they discuss key content marketing topics, like marketing automation, personal brand, leverage digital content to promote off-screen action and many other things!
MediaChat (Thursday 10pm EST | Host: @kilby76)
Weekly Twitter chat every Thursday at 10pm EST featuring guests on social and online media, new apps and anything media related!
Groups can be among the most valuable resources for job search, career networking, and professional branding out there—but unfortunately, most people don’t take full advantage of them. Actually, a lot of people don’t know how to proceed once they join one, and so they end up not using them at all. Show off your expertise by answering questions that others have asked, and don’t forget to ask some questions of your own! Groups are meant to be a forum for like-minded people, so make sure you’re asking and answering.
A group for digital marketing professionals. Group discussions cover all areas of the digital marketing landscape and include topics such as social media marketing, mobile marketing, search engine marketing, online PR, email marketing, online advertising, measurement and web analytics, best practice digital marketing and more.
Inbound Marketers – For Marketing Professionals
A community those looking to reach their best customers online through techniques like inbound marketing, search engine optimization (SEO) and social media.
This is the LARGEST and most active social media marketing group on with over 1,450,000 members as of October 2016, including 20 subgroups for special interests, such as Social Media Marketing & NonProfits, Social Media & Politics, etc. It is intended for interactive advertising and marketing professionals who are actively engaged in social media and community-oriented websites around the world.
An active community of social media professionals and professionals in PR, marketing, advertising, or any other discipline where a thorough understanding of social networks is mission-critical.
Marketing Communication: messages and related media used to communicate with a market via advertising, social media, branding, direct marketing, graphic design, affiliate marketing, packaging, promotion, publicity, sponsorship, public relations, sales, sales promotion, online, mobile apps, CRM pricing plan, SEO, search, events, pr, tv, cim and marketing jobs. The group is for Marcom professionals
Social Media Marketing Consulting
Social media marketing is quickly evolving into an important marketing approach for the business world to embrace. The purpose of this group is to share information for individuals who are or wish to be social media marketing consultant and/or social media marketing managers for a corporation.
GH is a marketing community about addressing the lack of news, resources, and condensed learning material for the rising number of growth hackers, but ultimately it’s about establishing that sense of community that will allow these innovative ideas to take off. is a great social news website entirely dedicated to everything related to online marketing. Basically, that is a community-based news platform, where members can submit the most interesting and up-to-date industry news and decide which one really matters.
This is the topic where you can discover all the social media tools and marketing same-minded people. Discuss new platforms, trends, websites and businesses in the industry. Always up to date
aThe Indie Hackers forum seems like a good place to share ideas bootstrapping ideas or get feedback about your bootstrapped business.
Every Monday, the r/gamedev subreddit has a marketing thread where people ask for feedback (I don’t know if other subreddits do this).
That was quite a bit of information to take in so we won’t spend too much more time distracting you from your marketing. The Planable Team sincerely hopes that you find as much invitation and welcome in the marketing communities that we’ve shared as we did when we first joined them. I think we can definitely agree that it’s the biggest and best community list you’ll find on the internet. We’re glad you took the time to dive into it with us! Share it with a friend and happy marketing!
Thanks to @JMattMke and @_Jason_Michael for helping me with Twitter chats, Alfred Lua and Arielle Tannenbaum on sharing more information about #bufferchat and Buffer Community on Slack, Dan Cecile help for bonus communities, @SFerika, @griner and Perri Robinson for sharing personal insights on communities they are hosting.
Special thanks to Christopher Booth for reading draft of this.
Dropped out of college, moved to another country with 2 of my friends and built Planable (Techstars London ’17), social media collaboration platform, at 19 y. o. Forbes 30 under 30