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AI LinkedIn Comment Generator (Free Tool)

Effortlessly generate AI LinkedIn comments for free. No registration required — start engaging with your network now 👇

Struggling to keep up with your LinkedIn notifications? Finding it challenging to comment on all the relevant posts? Need a quick way to stay active in your professional network? We’ve got the perfect tool for you.

I understand how important it is to engage thoughtfully on LinkedIn, especially when you’re building your brand on the professional platform. At Planable, we make it a priority to participate in conversations as they happen. After all, timely and insightful comments can enhance your visibility and credibility on LinkedIn.

But when you’re trying to keep up with a busy feed and networking with thousands of connections, it can get tough.

That’s why we developed a solution to help: a free AI LinkedIn comment generator that helps you quickly write meaningful comments for any LinkedIn post.

“LinkedIn is all about making connections and sharing insights. Our AI LinkedIn comment generator is designed to help professionals engage more efficiently while maintaining the personal touch that fosters real relationships.”

Nicu Gudumac, CTO & Founder @ Planable

We’ve tested it in a variety of scenarios, from casual networking to industry discussions. (And yes, I’ve even used it to comment on posts within my network. 😅) Now, our smart AI comment generator is ready for you to try.

How to write comments with our free AI LinkedIn post comment generator

Use Planable’s AI LinkedIn comment generator to create impactful, relevant comments with minimal effort.

1. Select your tone:

  • 😂 Humorous: craft light-hearted and engaging LinkedIn comments
  • 🌟 Inspirational: create motivating and uplifting responses
  • 📚 Informative: write insightful and knowledge-driven comments
  • 👋 Casual: generate friendly and approachable LinkedIn responses
  • 💼 Formal: compose professional and structured comments
  • 🙃 Witty: produce clever and sharp-witted LinkedIn replies
  • 🎉 Enthusiastic: draft energetic and positive comments
  • 💖 Empathetic: create understanding and thoughtful responses
  • 💬 Convincing: build persuasive and compelling replies
  • 😛 Teasing: write playful and slightly provocative comments

2. Add specific details or context to tailor the comment.

3. Choose your comment length:

  • Short: concise and straight to the point
  • Long: detailed and engaging

4. Select the number of variations: 1, 3, or 5.

5. Use emojis? Toggle on or off.

6 examples of when to use Planable’s AI LinkedIn post generator

While I often write my LinkedIn comments personally, there are moments when an AI tool can be a real asset. Here are six situations where the LinkedIn comment generator proves invaluable:

1. Engaging with a high volume of posts

When popular posts flood your feed, our tool helps you quickly draft thoughtful comments, ensuring you stay active in the conversation.

A LinkedIn post comment generation tool interface showing options to customize writing style, comment length, and number of variations. The screen displays a LinkedIn post draft.

2. Networking with industry professionals

Building relationships on LinkedIn requires consistent interaction. Our AI tool helps you craft relevant comments that can spark connections.

A LinkedIn post comment generation tool interface with settings to adjust writing style, comment length, and number of variations. The screen displays a LinkedIn post draft praising a CEO's TV appearance.

3. Commenting on trending topics

Keeping up with trending discussions is key to staying relevant. Our generator helps you quickly contribute to these conversations with insightful comments.

A LinkedIn post comment generation tool interface set to an enthusiastic writing style with options for comment length and variations. The screen displays a LinkedIn post draft discussing food and health disparities.

4. Responding to comments on your posts

When your own posts receive a lot of comments, our tool helps you reply quickly and meaningfully, maintaining engagement with your audience.

A LinkedIn post comment generation tool interface with a casual writing style selected. The screen displays a LinkedIn post draft responding to excitement about a new product flavor.

5. Handling sensitive topics

Certain posts require a more careful approach. Our AI generator helps you craft empathetic and thoughtful comments for delicate discussions.

A LinkedIn post comment generation tool interface set to an empathetic writing style. The screen displays a LinkedIn post draft expressing gratitude for a gastroenterologist's support of healthier products.

6. Contributing to group discussions

Active participation in LinkedIn groups can boost your visibility. Our tool helps you contribute to group discussions with relevant and insightful comments.

A LinkedIn post comment generation tool interface set to a formal writing style. The screen displays a LinkedIn post draft responding to a discussion on the challenges of creating a low-sugar cream soda.

Best practices for generating AI-powered LinkedIn comments

Commenting on LinkedIn is all about being relevant, authentic, and professional. You want your comments to add value to the conversation while staying true to your personal or brand voice.

Here are a few tips specifically for generating LinkedIn comments with our tool:

Adjust the settings based on the post’s context

Are you responding to a professional update, a thought-provoking article, or a casual networking post? The nature of the post should guide your settings in the comment generator.

For industry insights or professional updates, an informative or formal tone might be best. But if you’re commenting on a more casual post, a witty or casual tone could be more appropriate. Always tailor your settings to the context of the post.

Include specific details or references

When drafting a comment, adding specific details or referencing the post’s content can make your response more engaging. Use the option to provide context in the generator to ensure your comment is relevant and personalized.

While adding details is optional, it’s a great way to enhance the quality of your comments.

Align with your personal or brand voice

Whether you’re commenting on behalf of your brand or maintaining a consistent personal voice, make sure that tone is reflected in your LinkedIn comments. Provide the AI with guidelines on your preferred style to keep your comments consistent.


  • Tone of voice: Are you aiming for a professional and authoritative tone, or something more friendly and approachable? Choose the tone that best fits your personal or brand image.
  • Brand guidelines: Ensure your comments align with any established rules or messaging. Inform the AI about key dos and don’ts.
  • Core messaging: Incorporate your or your brand’s key messages, especially when commenting on posts closely related to your industry.

Ready to start commenting on LinkedIn posts?

We all need a little help sometimes. Whether you’re engaging with industry leaders or participating in group discussions, make your life easier.

Generate your LinkedIn comments with our AI tool – for free!

Miruna Dragomir

Miruna Dragomir, CMO @Planable, ex Social Media Comms Manager @Oracle & ex Marketing Coordinator @Uber. 9 years of experience in social media and marketing. Built Planable’s brand and reputation and helped grow it from 50 customers to over 6.5K. Social media fanatic, tech geek & a sucker for learning.

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