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Blog How to Schedule Threads Posts in 2024: Step-by-Step Guide

How to Schedule Threads Posts in 2024: Step-by-Step Guide

With 10 million signups in the first 7 hours after launch, Instagram’s text-based app Threads reached 100 million users in just 5 days, and is now approaching the 190 million users mark. Launched in July 2023, Threads has rapidly become the most popular alternative to Twitter/X, offering space for people to share ideas and spark new conversations.

To stay active on this fast-growing platform, you can schedule Threads posts in advance using Planable, and never miss a chance to connect with your audience. Let me show you how to do it.

Can you schedule Threads posts in advance?

Yes, you can now easily schedule Threads posts ahead of time with Planable!

The Threads app doesn’t support scheduling, but Planable’s integration allows you to schedule simple posts directly on Threads. With Planable, you can also plan your social media calendar & schedule content ahead of time for 8 other platforms: Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, LinkedIn, Youtube, Twitter/X, Google Business Profile and Pinterest.

How to schedule a post on Threads

1. Sign up and connect your Threads profile to Planable.

option to add pages in planable for threads, instagram and other social media platforms

2. Click the Compose button and select the Threads tab.

threads post composer in planable with scheduling options

3. Write your post, adding text, images, a video, and a hashtag. a threads post that has been scheduled ahead of time in planable

4. Select the date and time you want your Thread post to go live.

different time options to schedule a threads post in planable

5. Click schedule and enjoy the peace of mind!

Scheduling Threads posts FAQ

Do you need an Instagram account to schedule Threads posts?

Yes, Threads and Instagram are connected, and to use Threads, you must have an Instagram account linked with your Threads account.

How can I schedule Instagram Threads posts?

Check out social media schedulers that have a Threads integration. Weigh their features to find the extra options you need. Planable let you publish content to 9 social media networks. It offers a beautiful calendar and has streamlined approval features that speed up workflows and make collaboration with stakeholders and teams a breeze.

Can I schedule Instagram and Threads posts at the same time?

Yes! With Planable’s Sync option, you can schedule Instagram posts, including Reels and Stories at the same time with your Threads posts. And you don’t have to stop there, you can schedule the same post to 7 other major social media networks: Facebook, TikTok, LinkedIn, Twitter/X, Youtube, Google Business Profile and Pinterest.

Scheduling Threads posts best practices

Choose the right tools for Threads scheduling

Since scheduling tools vary a lot, the first thing worth looking at is complexity. If your team is small, you may not need enterprise-level tools (or the price tag that comes with them), so consider matching up team size and preferred features with what third-party apps are offering. In addition to the ability to schedule Threads posts, look at the tool’s capabilities for other platforms included in your present or future social media strategy.

Here’s what to look out for when choosing a tool:

  1. Content planning – Your social media content ideas need to be easy to turn into engaging posts through a simple visual social media calendar.
  2. Collaboration – Comments, suggestions, and good version control should be easy to incorporate into a daily workflow for everyone on your team.
  3. Approvals – Ideally, a social media approval workflow process needs to be easy to customize and even easier to explain to clients and stakeholders.

Think long-term

Plan in advance and create posts in batches, according to the pillars of your social media strategy. This will help you avoid repetitive captions in a way that can happen to people who post on the fly, but it will also clue you in as to what posts deserve to be recycled deliberately.

This overview should be easy to calibrate through a visual calendar that lets you schedule social media posts or reschedule them with a drag-and-drop. Filters (by platform or label) are also a neat feature to look out for, as are “Best times to post” recommendations.

Get to know your audience

The first thing you’ll want to look at is peak engagement time. Compare insights from your Threads account to analytics from your third-party social media analytics tools and see when your audience is the most active. Keep an eye out for the type of posts they engage with the most.

For best results, your analysis should have as much granularity as time allows. Go beyond the metrics and understand how actual people in your target audience act on the Threads app and beyond. The more you get a feel for platform-specific jokes and behaviors, the more naturally your brand can make an impact.

Stay versatile

Obviously, it would be optimal to post high-quality content frequently. But if resources are limited, focus on doing a couple of things well before branching out to a bajillion types of posts. It’s actually a better idea to repost, recycle, and repurpose an engaging video, for example, than to work with lackluster content made under pressure.

Once you’ve narrowed down subjects and formats, keep an eye out for diversity, too. A combo of informative, entertaining, and emotionally resonant posts works best for most brands, but there are always exceptions and industry-specific vibes to consider. It’s clear but it bears repeating: see what works best and adjust regularly.

Check out the competition

It’s always a good idea to know what language your competitors use, what their visuals look like, how they engage with their target audience. Regularly keeping an eye on them allows you to see trends form in real time, but also make informed decisions about whether your brand should jump on them or not. Some companies excel at counterprogramming while everyone’s stumbling for the newest bandwagon, so it’s worth considering to what extent that approach fits your product or service.

Also consider thinking of “competitors” in a loose sense. Sure, the biggest players on the market should be on your list. So should those that are closest to you in terms of size, services offered, or branding elements.

But cast your eye a bit further: are there brands outside your industry that you can take inspiration from? Are there advocacy groups related to your niche sparking interesting conversations? Survey your industry with an open mind and let yourself be inspired by organizations that bring something different to the table.

Advantages of planning Threads posts ahead of time

  • You have the opportunity to do brand-building on a new platform that attracts specific audience segments in an efficient and streamlined way. But you can also flesh out a brand narrative in a way that stays consistent across platforms.
  • You can juggle classic posts with contextual entries that engage with current events. Choosing which hypes should be reflected in your strategy and which ones you’re sitting out comes easier with good planning.
  • Anyone who’s been handling multiple brand accounts knows how important it is to be able to react quickly. Using a tool means it’s easy to reschedule posts that might have sounded tone-deaf.
  • You gain the ability to engage with different time zones. Scheduled Threads can reach people who are active outside your business hours, so it eases that “always on” pressure on the social media team.
  • Scheduling posts can also capitalize on gems from your brand archive. Optimize and repurpose content that’s never seen the light of Threads by considering how a new audience might find it helpful.

Simplify scheduling Threads posts

When you’re looking for a tool to schedule your Instagram Threads posts, match its features to the way your team operates. That way you make the best choice for your specific context.

And remember, the most impactful brands understand the hyper-specific feel of posting on each platform while capitalizing on any microtrends that take shape. Scheduling posts that sound authentic on a less crowded social network like Threads could give you an edge over brands that take longer to adapt.

Irina Tanase

Irina is a freelance senior copywriter & content writer with an advertising agency background. If she’s not rummaging for good synonyms, she’s probably watching a sitcom or listening to radio dramas with plucky amateur detectives. She loves collage, doing crosswords on paper and shazamming the birds outside her window.

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