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This August’s Top Marketing Industry News

This August’s Top Marketing Industry News

Our favorite part of the month is here! Grab your steamy coffee and let’s explore August’s exciting news in the digital & marketing industry - the most important ones, of course, ‘cause that’s how we roll. All you have to do is scroll. Twitter will stop offering...

This July’s Top Marketing Industry News

This July’s Top Marketing Industry News

Welcome back to our favorite part of the month - a roundup of some of the best, important, and interesting new in the digital & marketing industry. This month we have tons of juicy stuff so let’s get into it and don't forget to check out our last month's marketing...

This June’s Top Marketing Industry News

This June’s Top Marketing Industry News

Welcome to my favorite part of the month and give me a few minutes to tell you about the latest, juiciest, best, most interesting industry news of this first month of summer. And there’s been A LOOOT of them. The main heroes of this month have been Cannes Lions and...

Content Marketing Made Efficient: A step-by-step guide

Content Marketing Made Efficient: A step-by-step guide

Force of habit is pushing me to start this article with a nice and cliche definition of what content marketing is and why it’s so important in today’s world. Experience tells me, however, that I’d be preaching to the choir. All of us here are already convinced by the...

Branded Content: Today’s Marketers’ Dilemma

Branded Content: Today’s Marketers’ Dilemma

The way we see it, branded content merges branding and advertising. It targets human emotions in a calculated and very artistic manner. Branded content challenges the principles of content creation as we know it. It tends to go the extra mile and tap into...

This May’s Top Marketing Industry News

This May’s Top Marketing Industry News

Well, well, well... happy to see that you’re back for our monthly piece. As always I scatter all over the web to find the juiciest and interesting news you’ve missed in May. So if you’ve been too busy focusing on building & creating content now’s a perfect chance...

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