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Blog 10 Essential Steps to Master Creative Workflow Management

10 Essential Steps to Master Creative Workflow Management

Does managing creative projects feel like sailing through a storm, struggling to stay on course and not sink? Making creative production flow is no easy task. Creative workflow management requires a delicate balance: an adaptable structure, room for innovation within deadlines, and handling the constant flood of feedback and revisions.

Tools help a great deal too. For example, the right approval software can alleviate any bottlenecks developing at a critical late stage in the process.

Effective creative workflow management helps your team turn inspiration into a steady stream of high-quality content. By clearly defining processes, everyone – from the creative geniuses to the final editors – knows their role and how their work contributes to the bigger picture.

In this article, you’ll learn how to keep projects moving smoothly, avoid last-minute confusion, and keep the creative spark alive.

What is creative workflow management?

Creative workflow management involves organizing the various stages of a creative project, from brainstorming to delivery, and breaking down the big idea into smaller, more manageable steps that are then assigned to specific team members. Setting deadlines, tracking progress, and ensuring quality and transparency throughout are also part of this structured creative workflow process, enabling teams to collaborate effectively and optimize resources.

Why you need a robust creative workflow process

A robust creative workflow process ensures things aren’t just getting done but done right.

That’s not an easy project management task, but the good news is that creative people love their work. They want to produce high-quality output and be proud of the outcomes. I mean, have you seen how many creative awards there are out there? 😊

However, speaking from experience, creative workflows can quickly become stressful and get out of hand. Things might get delivered in the short run (with some overtime and heated discussions involved), but in the long run, people’s motivation and the quality of the deliverables suffer.

A documented creative workflow helps you avoid chaos and overwhelm your team. It ensures you can set clear responsibilities, deliver consistent high-quality results, and offer real-time visibility into project status. And, yes, maybe get some awards — I can’t promise it, but you’ll definitely stand a better chance.

Establish clear expectations

A well-defined creative workflow is like creating a roadmap. Everyone, including creative agencies and other collaborators, starts on the same page, understanding the project goals, responsibilities, and timelines.

It’s easy to keep stakeholders in the loop with clear deadlines and deliverables, avoiding surprises and misunderstandings. This transparency ensures people are moving in the same direction at the right speed, making your creative journey smooth and efficient.

Ensure high-quality creative work

A successful creative workflow keeps your work consistently good. Without it, bad habits creep in, and you spend time fixing avoidable mistakes.

Creative workflow management optimizes your resources, ensuring you focus your time and effort where it matters most.

Think of it as using your team’s creative superpowers efficiently rather than wasting them on inefficient, frustrating processes.

Track your creative projects

Visibility is crucial, especially for agencies or freelancers juggling multiple clients or for big teams handling several projects and complex approval layers.

We all know how helpful (or rather life-changing) having a GPS in the car is. Now, imagine you have the same ability to always know where you are and what’s coming next for your projects.

A creative workflow lets you see the status of all projects at a glance, helping to identify and eliminate bottlenecks and optimize processes proactively. You are on the best route!

10 steps to an efficient creative process

Building a robust creative workflow process can definitely be overwhelming. After all, I wouldn’t be writing (and you reading) this article if it weren’t.

Don’t worry, I researched, tested over the years, and summarized below 10 straightforward steps that can really help streamline things.

Step 1. Establish the stages of your creative workflow

You’re already doing things a certain way. While the process can be improved, it’s important to start with what your creative team already does and prefers.

So, begin by breaking down and documenting your creative workflow. It doesn’t have to be fancy. Create a detailed list of tasks or a visual flow chart. The main thing is to make it clear, easy to understand, and collaborative.

Find a creative workflow style that works best for your team. For example, some teams prefer detailed, task-based workflows, while others work well with status-based workflows.

Talk to each team member about the workflow design and make sure everyone, from copywriter to designer to social media manager, agrees on the steps involved. This will set a good basis for the next steps in the process.

Step 2. Create content and project brief templates

Reusable creative brief templates are lifesavers. They ensure consistency and save lots of time.

Make a list of the types of projects and tasks your team routinely handles and create a template for each. Some brief templates might be similar, while others might include totally different sections.

For example, a project brief might include:

  • Project objectives
  • Target audience
  • Key messages
  • Deadlines
  • Roles and responsibilities

A written content brief could include:

  • Topic
  • Format
  • Length
  • Tone of voice
  • Audience
  • Keywords
  • Deadline

Templates streamline repetitive tasks and provide structure to people’s work, whether tackling a big campaign or a simple social media post.

Step 3. Define roles and responsibilities

Clearly defined roles and responsibilities for each stage of the creative process are crucial for keeping things organized, efficient, and award-worthy. And isn’t the best award a happy team? 🫶🏻🥹

Here’s why this step is so important:

  • Better focus

Whether crafting compelling copy, designing eye-catching visuals, or providing insightful feedback, people can concentrate on delivering their best work without distractions.

  • Fewer bottlenecks and more accountability

Imagine everyone on a project waiting for a single person to complete a crucial task. I bet it’s not something you even need to imagine, but a frequent scenario. Defining roles ensures a smoother flow. Project managers can identify potential roadblocks and adjust accordingly.

  • Streamlined feedback and approval

Unclear feedback lines can lead to confusion and wasted time. Determining who provides input and who holds final approval ensures everyone’s voice is heard while accelerating the decision-making process.

  • Enhanced collaboration

Creative projects often involve multiple people and skill sets. Knowing who’s responsible for what facilitates collaboration and eases the integration of external contributors into the workflow.

When defining roles and responsibilities, consider:

  • Who’s the project manager?
  • Who’s creating the content?
  • Are external contributors involved?
  • Who provides feedback?
  • Who gives final approval?

Everyone must know their role in the crew to keep the ship afloat.

Workspace sharing permissions in Planable for seven members, including team and client roles, with options for view, approve, edit, publish, analyze, and admin access.

Setting workspace roles and permissions in Planable

Step 4. Determine realistic timelines

While most creative workflows feel like sprints, your team needs to perform well over long distances — or sail oceans, to keep the metaphor going.

Avoid overloading creative people and set a steady pace for projects and tasks to prevent suboptimal output and burnout.

Using a content planning tool can help you map out the way forward and keep track of creative projects.

Timelines will vary based on team size, experience, workload, and type of project. To ensure you’re being realistic, analyze data from previous projects and get buy-in from the people involved before communicating timelines.

Also, be prepared to offer deadline flexibility when needed. The creative process requires multiple rounds of feedback and even starting from scratch sometimes. Keep people accountable, but build some buffers into the timelines so you don’t stifle the muse.

Jusco's social media content calendar in Planable featuring posts about greens, smoothies, and soda across various platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest.

Content planning in Planable’s calendar view

Step 5. Hold a kickoff meeting at the start of every project

Kickoff meetings are essential to get everyone on the same page. Discuss the brief and clarify team responsibilities and the project scope.

This isn’t a brainstorming session, but ideas will naturally emerge. Make a note and visit them later while reminding team members to use the time to ask questions and understand expectations.

Set up regular check-ins, ensuring everyone stays in sync.

Step 6. Start generating ideas with your creative team

Brainstorming is where the creative spark shines. And it’s a fun step if done with some structure and an open mind.

Encourage everyone to contribute to brainstorming sessions, regardless of seniority. The more ideas you generate, the higher the chance of coming up with unexpected combinations that lead to cool, unique concepts.

But how do you actually brainstorm? Here are a few popular options to get you started:

  • Mood boards. Visually represent keywords, emotions, or themes associated with the project.
  • Brainwriting. Each person silently writes down ideas and then passes the paper on for others to build upon, fostering a safe space for ideas.
  • Starbursting. Go beyond the “what” by asking specific questions about the project from different angles: Who? When? Where? Why? How? Coming up with a list of questions rather than answers shifts perspectives and helps uncover new angles and ideas.
  • Online ideation. Use an online platform that facilitates brainstorming. For example, Planable lets your team collaborate on all types of content, including brainstorming documents, which can then become blog posts, newsletters, social media posts, and other assets in the content calendar.
Universal Content in Planable featuring previews for newsletter and blog posts with collaboration and approvals

Universal Content in Planable

Find what works best for your team. Mix and match methods, and remember to add an essential ingredient: research into what’s been done before, the audience, and what competitors are up to.

Step 7. Use collaboration tools to work more effectively

The copywriter stares out the window for a painfully long time, trying to come up with that brilliant tagline. The designer dips into the chair, headphones on, to get the creative flow going.

Creative people need time and space to do their work. However, team collaboration is also key to fostering innovation, benefiting from diverse perspectives, and driving the creative process forward.

Draft blog post in Planable with collaborative feedback and suggestions from team members.

Collaboration on a blog post in Planable

While a project manager going around the room (or the preferred chat platform) asking people for task status can work, it’s far from the ideal solution.

Leverage creative workflow management software to strike the balance between letting people work at their own pace and getting them to come together and communicate in an organized and efficient manner.

Video editing interface in Planable showing a close-up of a hand slicing cucumbers and oranges, with filter options like Chrome, Fade, and Noir displayed below.

Image and video editing in Planable

These tools also help provide regular updates to clients and stakeholders and integrate their reactions into the creative process.

Real-time feedback keeps projects on track and ensures everyone stays in the creative operations loop.

Step 8. Automate the review and approval process

One of the biggest creativity killers? Chasing down stakeholders for feedback and approvals.

Automating the review and approval process changes the game. Tools like Planable allow you to:

  • Eliminate communication overload. Tired of keeping track of email threads, chat discussions, and live feedback by the water cooler? Planable centralizes the review process, letting stakeholders see the work and provide feedback directly within the platform.
  • Keep clients happy. One size doesn’t fit all, especially when it comes to client preferences. Planable lets you create custom approval steps for each project or workspace. Need client sign-off on visuals but only internal team approval for copy? Done!
  • Move out of the land of confusion. Everyone involved should know exactly what needs to be reviewed and approved. With Planable, deadlines and task assignments are clear, keeping the project on track.
Multiple approval workflow settings in Planable for content publishing, with team and client collaborators, and options for none, optional, required, and multi-level approvals.

Multi-level approval workflow in Planable

Automate for less back-and-forth and more moving forward — smoothly, of course.

Step 9. Finalize and launch

The final stages of the creative process are as essential as the initial brainstorming.

Add these steps to the project management workflow:

  • Implement final touches like copy edits and design tweaks.
  • Ensure quality assurance to release a great final product.
  • Check that launch channels and assets are ready, whether it’s a social media ad, a website update, or an influencer marketing campaign.

Collaboration tools provide a central hub for the entire project and visibility into project progress. They allow your entire team to catch any last-minute edits or delays, adjust quickly, and work together to avoid surprises.

Feed view in Planable showcasing posts about orange juice and pineapple juice, with team members' comments discussing the content and hashtags.

Social media post previews in Planable’s feed view

Step 10. Review and analyze your creative workflow process

Celebrating the success of a creative project is a must to keep people motivated, but before diving into the next one, take a moment to analyze performance.

A post-project review session allows you to improve the creative workflow management process. By openly discussing what worked well and what needs improvement, you can identify areas to refine your workflow.

It’s also a chance for everyone to share their feedback and learn from experience. Did someone discover a more efficient way to tackle a task? Did something go wrong? Why and what can you do to avoid that situation in the future?

Make post-project reviews a regular practice to ensure completing creative projects is both satisfying and educational.

How to manage your creative workflows effectively with Planable

Planable isn’t just another project management tool. Designed specifically for content creators, Planable streamlines every stage of the workflow, from brainstorming to final approval.

Social media management interface in Planable displaying post planning, approvals, feedback, and publishing, with media library and multiple views for cross-company collaboration.

Its user-friendly interface makes it easy for everyone on your team, regardless of technical expertise, to jump in and collaborate seamlessly.

Here’s why using Planable for creative workflow management is a game-changer for creative teams:

  • Easily plan creative campaigns with Planable’s intuitive calendar feature. Schedule upcoming projects and keep everyone on the same page.
  • Workspaces allow you to organize different client projects or internal initiatives, ensuring clear separation and focus.
  • Invite collaborators with a few clicks and set their permissions for specific projects. This gives everyone the access they need to contribute effectively.
  • Create custom approval workflows, ensuring your content goes through the right channels and gets signed off by the right people.
  • Planable’s Universal Content feature allows creative professionals to collaborate on all content types. Draft your copy directly within the platform, get feedback, and enjoy visibility with version control.
  • Internal posts and comments create a safe space for brainstorming, feedback, and revisions within your team before sharing with external stakeholders.
Social media post in Planable featuring internal team discussion and client approval feedback.

Internal comments and notes in Planable

Planable empowers your team to focus on what they do best – crafting amazing content.

With its streamlined workflows, real-time collaboration features, and user-friendly interface, Planable automates management and fuels creativity.

Try it now for free to streamline your creative workflow and get a quick win — after a long but useful read.

Sabina Varga

Sabina is a freelance writer with 15+ years of experience in the MarCom industry. Her to-do list includes helping people write better and businesses sell more through content. She is the host of Zest, a podcast that brings writing within listeners’ reach.

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