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Blog Instagram Grid Maker: How to Plan the Perfect Feed in 2024

Instagram Grid Maker: How to Plan the Perfect Feed in 2024

Are you looking to create gorgeous Instagram grids that capture attention and steal hearts? With the right combination of colors and formats, you can not only keep your Instagram grid in order, but also plan the perfect layout for a lasting impression on first-time visitors.

Planning your Instagram feed should be an essential step of your social media strategy. That’s why our guide covers all the essentials, from grid maker tools to grid examples and Instagram post scheduling, to give you everything you need for a stunning grid that will set your Instagram feed apart in 2024.

What is an Instagram grid layout?

An Instagram grid layout is the visual arrangement of your photos and videos on your Instagram profile. Each square tile on your grid represents one of your posts. Arrange them in a certain order, and you’ll create scroll-stopping patterns on your feed.

Influencers and brands love to get creative with their grid layouts, turning each image into a piece of the puzzle that fits into a bigger picture. Patterns like checkerboard, row-by-row, or the big picture require planning ahead and curating your aesthetic in advance.

Yes, creating a grid takes a bit of effort and time at first, but if built well and with the right Instagram feed planner, it can be a lot simpler than you might think.

instagram layout planner

Planable’s drag-and-drop IG grid maker

The Insta almighties decided the most appealing format is square. Square logo, square pictures, square ads. All this squareness was bound to lead to a grid format for each profile.

But then, somebody saw the big picture.

Hats off to the one who decided you can play with the entire grid and create art using an Instagram grid layout planner.

Planning Instagram grid layouts with Planable

Are you already imagining a fresh Instagram grid layout with a new color scheme? I want to put your mind at ease that Instagram layout planning can be quite easy and fast.

With Planable, you can arrange and re-arrange your grid, test different layouts, and achieve the perfect Instagram feed before you schedule posts:

1. Here’s what your Instagram Grid planning can look like

Your instagram feed planning is about to get ten times better with a tool like Planable, the best Instagram grid maker to plan your layout in advance.

Planable has a bunch of nifty features that can help you plan the perfect feed with just a few swipes:

Instagram grid maker in Planable

What do you like best about Planable?

“Instagram Post Planning can be viewed by grid and calendar.”

Irwan E., verified G2 review

2. Here’s how you can edit your images

Photo editing in an Instagram tool like Planable is a breeze, even if you’re not a design pro. You can easily view and edit a larger image to enhance your visuals and ensure they look picture-perfect before sharing with your audience.

Instagram grid photo resizing & filtering in Planable

3. Here’s how you could plan your social media calendar

Planable is an online Instagram feed planner that can totally transform your IG grid game! Drag and drop your upcoming social media posts to arrange them in different layouts until you’re absolutely thrilled with how your Instagram grid looks like.

Instagram social media content calendar

You got a social media calendar, from the Calendar View that offers an overview of your Instagram content and scheduled posts:

Screenshot of Planable's calendar view displaying Instagram posts scheduled for various dates, featuring an organized and color-coded layout for easy management.

Calendar View for social media posts in Planable

A feed view that mimics the feel and flow of Instagram (essentially a pre-publishing preview of how your content will look like):

Screenshot of the feed view in Planable, showing a streamlined layout where social media posts are organized chronologically for efficient content management.

Feed view for Instagram page in Planable

And, for those of us who like to stay organized, labels to keep Instagram content neatly categorized by topic, theme, or whatever strikes your fancy:

Screenshot showcasing the use of labels in Planable for organizing social media content, with various color-coded tags visible for easy categorization and tracking.

Labels in Planable

There’s also a sync on/off feature just in case you manage multiple Instagram accounts and want to post consistent content:

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Sign up and try the free plan to find out how Planable can help you with scheduling, collaboration, and approval.

4. Here’s how you could collaborate on your Instagram posts

In Planable you can seamlessly collaborate on your Instagram individual posts to ensure a consistent aesthetic across your entire Instagram profile.

Instagram posts collaboration in Planable

You can manage multiple Instagram accounts through Planable too, including direct publishing and scheduling for both Reels and Stories.

Master your Instagram grid with the best social media management tools for agencies.

5 steps to make grids on Instagram and keep them in order

Before diving into how great Planable is for planning, scheduling, and publishing Instagram grid posts, let’s go over the actual key factors that determine the future of your Instagram grid.

Consistency is key, and when working with photos and videos, it can become challenging to create cohesion. Especially if you’re dealing with managing multiple accounts. You can use some sort of formula and come back to it whenever you feel like you’re drifting away.

Step 1: Define your brand’s personality

Personal or business account, there’s always some traits defining your brand. Which one are you? If you represent a business, think about the colors of that business. If you’re a lovely soul, think about what your friends say about you.

Are you bright and glittery? Are you a minimalist or old school? Do you like nature or skyscrapers? Are you more into cats or flamingos? These questions will help you create visual harmony based on your unique brand identity.

Step 2: Pick an Instagram grid layout

Turns out having a lot of Instagram grid examples to choose from doesn’t make things easier. It’s like picking ice-cream flavors: you want to go for vanilla but you’re also peeking at that Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. The truth is you can always create an Instagram grid out of your own magic formula, combine the brand colors, add borders and sprinkle some quotes on top, or whatnot.

Believe it or not, the layout you’re going to choose will help you a lot, because it is going to tell you what type of content to prepare, when to publish it and where to place it. Sometimes, complicating things at first may help you in the long run.

Step 3: Choose your colors

I mentioned your brand’s colors at step one. They should be prominent in your layout. If you don’t have the colors yet, pick no more than three shades that fit your brand. Give it time and make sure you’re going with the right colors, as they will become the visual personality of your account.

Step 4: Decide on a filter

A quick trick for maintaining consistency is to apply the same filter for every post. This filter should work with your colors and your brand personality, so it doesn’t have to be something very complicated.

If you don’t want to create your own filter, there’s plenty of presets you can choose from. Test them out until you feel like you found the one.

Step 5: Post in order

The order of your posts is also part of consistency, especially if your grid layout is more sophisticated. But don’t get anxious, you don’t have to put much effort into this arrangement anymore.

With an Instagram layout planner, you can easily drag and drop your posts and rearrange everything until you reach perfection.

Here’s how simple everything works in Planable:

Tips for posting frequency

If you’re just starting out, it’s a good idea to start with one or two posts per week and then increase the frequency as you get more comfortable with it. On the other hand, according to Databox, “one post per day seems to be working just fine for most businesses”, as it’s just enough to remind your audience that you are there.

Then, according to a study by RivalHQ, the median across all industries is 4 posts per week:

Infographic that shows median posting frequency across all industries is 4 posts/week

There are many ways to go about it, so the wisest approach is to find the sweet spot between those numbers and what works for you.

Extra tip: repurposed and user-generated content

If you’re looking for an easy way to increase your posting frequency, repurposing content is the way to go. For one, it’s relatively low effort, especially if the content is created with repurposing in mind from the beginning, using tools like paragraph rewriters to ensure versatility. And then there’s the benefit of building a “recurring posts schedule” — think bite-sized chunks extracted from a blog post reposted over the year. Sounds like a lot of wiggle room for workshopping new content ideas, doesn’t it?

You can rewrite your older blogs and develop new content. You should also not omit the utility of user-generated content. There are lots of people out there creating awesome original content, so why not take the opportunity to showcase it, especially if it concerns you?

How to change or rearrange your Instagram grid

Instagram won’t allow you to play with existing content, so what’s published can’t be rearranged. Unless you’ve got Planable. However, you still have two workarounds.

Start now

Yes, you didn’t have the time and resources to plan your grid until now. But we all started somewhere and you can do that, too. Use all you’ve learned so far and create your perfect Instagram grid. You can even consider using an Instagram grid planner, or an Instagram layout maker.

Or just use Planable where you can have both 𑁋 accurate previews of your posts and drag&drop grid posts to plan the heck out of your content. No need for mental gymnastics to plan an aesthetical Instagram grid layout.

Repost everything

Now don’t get scared. I have “only” 400 posts on Instagram and there’s nothing I’d hate more than having to save all my pictures and videos and post them all over again. But melancholy is stronger, so if I were to rearrange my grid, damn sure I’ll repost all the moments that marked my school years and sunny summers.

And it won’t even take me that long, because I can upload them in Planable. Simply drag and drop your posts however you like and schedule or publish them with a single click. For single image and single video grid posts, Planable does this automatically. Not so scary anymore, right?

Best Instagram grid layout maker apps

And finally, it’s time to create some Instagram waves, right? You bring the photos, I’ll show you the best Instagram grid apps you can use to mock Instagram feeds.

1. Planable

With Planable, you can upload your files, add your copy and hashtags, and even collaborate with your team for feedback in the same tool.

Preview your Instagram feed in a pixel-perfect tool that lets you drag&drop, rearrange, and schedule or publish the posts. No more misunderstandings, wrong order of publishing, or time wasted with manual posting – simplify your Instagram management proces!

The wow part? This Instagram grid planner has a desktop version that will let you pay attention to every little detail. Collaborate on everything your grid has to offer, hit the schedule button, and watch how it all goes live. Planable lets you directly publish your Instagram grid posts from your desktop. Buh bye push notifications for life!

2. Snapseed

Right now, Snapseed is the best choice in terms of photo editing tools. Instagram has its own filters, but it’s hard to match them with your content and it’s even more difficult to differentiate yourself from others.

Snapseed does two things that will help you big time: first, it lets you use effects using a brush – that means you can add an extra touch to the details for each photo you use; and second, its Stacks feature lets you save your filters as an Instagram grid template – consistency with one tap.

3. Canva

You can always start with Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop, but that can be complicated. Canva is great if you’re just starting. Just create the blank grid and then one by one, create the grid. You may not need this step, but if your grid has quotes, borders, or puzzles, for example, this is the easiest way to create them. You can use Canva to build your Instagram grid online, without downloading or installing any app.

4. Hootsuite

If you want to make your Instagram feed look awesome, Hootsuite is a fantastic tool. It helps you arrange your photos in a cool way that’s both professional and easy to use. Hootsuite is great for businesses and regular folks who want to organize and see how their Instagram feed will look before posting. You can easily move your pictures around until they look just right, creating a nice and stylish story with your visuals. What’s cool about Hootsuite is that it works well with analytics tools, so you can see how people are liking your posts and stay up-to-date with the latest trends.

Instagram grid inspiring examples

Deciding you want to plan your grid is just the tip of the iceberg. Deciding what type of grid layout style you want is going to take hours of research, one night to sleep on it, three friends to advise, and five stakeholders to approve.

Here’s what Kumba Dauda, Freelance Social Media Manager, Blogger and Influencer Outreach Specialist, thinks about achieving the perfect Instagram grid layout:

If Instagram had a spirit animal, it would be a chameleon. It is the one platform that is constantly learning to adjust to what’s trending.

Running Wholehearted Social, a Social Media Agency I have worked with a real variety of influencers and brands where we have experimented with so many different ideas based on current and forecasted trends as to ‘stay relevant’ on the gram.

One trend that seems to always be underlying within Instagram is the classic Instagram grid. I believe this was born out of the idea that the trend on Instagram at one point was a ‘perfect’ feed which had to cater to a certain aesthetic.

With a grid or puzzle layout as it’s also called, users can create that cohesive look as well as bulk up on a ton of content that could be scheduled which is more time-efficient. Instagram grids are particularly useful for those who own businesses and want a cohesive brand image to be projected within their page to make that initial great impression. These are a couple of examples of Instagram grids that we have created.

Now, let’s explore some awesome Instagram feed planning ideas:

Checkerboard grids – the checkmate to running out of ‘how to create a grid on Instagram’ ideas

The checkerboard Instagram grid is led by background colors. Most accounts using this type of grid stick to two solid colors or non-colors and alternate them to create the checkerboard impression. But that’s only the beginning.

What’s happening in the foreground is more important to your brand. Usually, checkers are used for two scenarios, depending on your specific activity. If you’re inspiring through words, you can easily use only quotes and use the checkers to visually diversify your content.

If your content is a mix of words and images, you can ditch one of the solid colors and only use the other one for quotes. Alternate them with other images.

And of course, there’s a third option where you use pictures as backgrounds alternating with a solid color to create the checkerboard feeling. Use this Instagram photo grid everytime you want to tell a story or showcase your photography skills.

Not sure how to decide on your Instagram’s grid layout?

planning instagram grid layout

Planning your Instagram grid layout is easy in Planable

Planable is an online Instagram feed planner that helps you achieve the perfect IG grid. Drag and drop upcoming posts to arrange them differently until you’re happy with your feed. Experiment with different grids and reshuffle posts to achieve a specific color theme or pattern.

What do you like best about Planable?

“The grid view because I can see my feed before posting.”

G2 verified review

Text line grids – the fine line of how to master Instagram grids

If you’re not into quotes that much, but still have something to express with words, you can use the single line of text type of grid. Vertical lines allow you to tip the balance to more visual content, having a ration of 2:1 (2 photos, 1 quote).

This Instagram grid layout is also an excellent choice if you don’t have much time to play with backgrounds and strategies, as you’ll most probably stick to the same font and background color for every quote.

And this way, you can easily include videos in your posting plan without struggling with the background. An elegant approach to a well-thought grid view, the 2:1 text tiles grid can be used by any brand or person for inspiration, education, or entertainment. So which one are you?

Border grids – for when you need space but still love the spotlight

Do you ever feel like your grid looks OK, but it still needs to be tidied up? Put a twist on your grid using borders — white, black or whatever color strikes your fancy. And you can juggle with photo formats too, either in square or rectangle format. The white border grid will take your profile to a vintage chic kinda level.

Kind of like printed photos — which we probably imagine lined up in an important spot in our house, with frames to match the room design. Photos are that important for us.

So why not bring the frames to the digital world where we share the most beautiful and interesting moments of our lives? Borders are a great way to put the focus on each picture without needing a strong strategy for how the grid will look like and save the time and energy focusing on the actual photos you’re posting.

Why use Planable as your Instagram Grid maker?

Planable is easy to use whether you have a single Instagram account but especially if you manage other accounts too:

  • test out various Instagram grid layouts before choosing the one you like best
  • incorporate user-generated content into your feed easier
  • visually plan your Instagram feed in advance to avoid gaps in your content calendar
  • ensure all the images follow the same color palette

Diagonal grids – the power of spiraling Instagram grid posts

And here’s where things get complicated. Because yes, I took a chance and showed you the simple-to-make but not-so-wow ones first. They’re a great start if you’re not an editing expert. I’m not either.

But what truly turned the Instagram world upside down are some crazy grid combinations that make me look through the green glasses. Why didn’t I think of it first? But enough with this jealousy, this is the diagonal grid.

Looks complicated? Well, it is not that hard to maintain this consistency. All you have to do is pick one kind of photo or video and one color. Then drag them to form a diagonal. 

The tricky part? You have to plan your grid beforehand because you’ll constantly need magnificent trios of photos with the same content and color.

Example time. Look how Naomi created a diagonal grid using photos of sweets with a brown accent:

Row by row grids – classy, yet an Instagram grid layout that very much rocks

This creative layout makes me think of some sort of reinvented comic book. Want to tell a story in more than one photo with zero words? Then this is your perfect type of grid. Basically, you’ll use each row to create a story or one chapter of the story. Brand storytelling at its best!

instagram grid maker

Honestly, I’ll use that only because when I take my cat’s photos, I can’t pick only one to post. Jokes aside, I’ve seen pretty spectacular stories created using this type of grid. And it’s easy to make because it doesn’t need much planning. Its only disadvantage is you have to publish three posts at a time or you’ll break the flow. But the sacrifice is worth it.

instagram grid maker

Rainbow grid layout – color coding Instagram grids

Not a fan of routine? Then this grid is for you. Because you’ll probably get tired of using the same colors or the same backgrounds over and over again, the rainbow grid will allow you to play with colors like no other grid. But spectacular details don’t come easy.

instagram grid preview

The rainbow grid layout requires a lot of planning, special tools, and creativity. Basically, you’ll use the row by row technique, but every row should be connected with the one above and the one below. Are you committing to finding transitions every time? You’re my hero.

The rhythm is usually of 3, 6, or 9 photos for each color. But who’s counting anyway?

Puzzle grid layout aka the big picture layout – or how to become an Instagram grid sensei

And now, for the grid of the grids, creme de la creme, the best of the best, we’ll talk about the puzzle grid. Puzzle grids may sound simple, but really, they’re the most strategic, painful and beautiful form of art you can find on Instagram. It works great with videos too.

The puzzle grid layout have a background that is continuously evolving. You need to split images in advance and connect all posts together. When you post a picture, you also have to include elements of the picture that will come above it, meaning you always need to make sure you post the pictures in the correct order.

Squares grid layout – back to the basics

Now you’re probably thinking, what’s there to talk about the squares layout? What can I say, we live in weird times where squares are actually a thing.

instagram grid lines

We can’t miss the minimalist type of grid. The first type of grid that looked messy back in the day made Instagrammers transition to a minimalist layout where they focused on one or two colors positioned in the center of the picture, while the rest of it is just plain background. If you’re not all rainbows, then this grid may be the one for you.

instagram grid lines

Mixed grid layout – your own magic formula to win the Instagram grid aesthetic game

Can’t stick to one type? Me neither! Don’t worry, there’s something for us too. Mixing and matching is also a type of layout and some Instagram accounts are slaying with creativity.

How to mix the grid? Try the line in the middle with a puzzle, or row by row with borders. In the end, you have to be yourself, so don’t necessarily stick to the rules.

Three main reasons to use an Instagram feed planner

  • Consistency. Whether from a visual or editorial perspective, you want your Instagram content to pop and leave an impression on visitors.
  • Efficiency. It goes without saying, but following a tight-knit plan instead of doing the ol’ create-and-dump will do wonders for your Instagram feed.
  • Experimentation. Considering your feed as a whole instead of individual posts will give you the global view necessary to experiment without deviating too far off the course.

In other words, an Instagram feed planner enables you to produce high-quality content consistently (more on that later).

Plus, you can save time by batching your content creation and scheduling Instagram posts in advance instead of doing everything on the fly.

With that out of the way, let’s talk a bit about how Instagram feeds work.

How Instagram feeds work

An Instagram feed is an overview of your latest IG posts, and it’s often the first thing your visitor will see. 

When it comes to how they work, we have to delve a bit into algorithms. Now, a lot of ink has been spilled over the intricacies of Instagram’s algorithm, so we won’t bore you with the details in this article.

Since Meta keeps things under wraps on purpose to prevent bad actors from gaming the system, nobody actually knows with 100% certainty how the algorithm works. Some pages hit the algorithmic jackpot — others have such a unique theme that they get featured in The New York Times.

college students' photos from 90s shared on Instagram profile "90s art school"

However, there are two key elements that every social media manager should account for, regardless of algorithm changes:

  • Community building. Building connections with followers trumps highly optimized, trend-chasing content any day of the week. 
  • Content relevancy is the actual value your content provides. 

Notice how you can’t attach a numerical value to these 2 key elements. If only it were as easy as coming up with a formula: 2 community buildings x 5 posts – Meta = 23 Instagram algorithms. it all comes down to providing value, which means creating content with a “community-first” kind of mindset. 

Now, to efficientize (that word should exist and I’m going to die on that hill) all those things, you will need an extra hand in the form of a nifty little tool. An Instagram feed planner.

Grid layout pros & cons

From experience using this type of layout, here is what I would say are the overall pros and cons of adopting an Instagram grid layout:


  • Makes a great first impression which can increase the number of Instagram users who follow after visiting your page.
  • Allows you to bulk create content and schedule everything in advance.
  • Seamless and beautiful Instagram feed.
  • It’s a look that not everyone can achieve so it can make your Instagram content stand out from your competitors.
  • Assists in developing a consistent aesthetic and brand image.


  • Instagram is moving in a new direction where people favor authentic content over perfectly curated content.
  • May not work well on other platforms.
  • Inflexible, unable to post ad hoc content.
  • Must post multiple images in a row to make the photos layout design work.
  • Looks great on feed as a whole but may not be as visually striking as individual posts on the home feed.

What’s your next move?

If you got here, it means you’re ready to ditch experiments and create the best Instagram grid one can ask for in 2024. And if you do, please show it to me, because I can never get enough of them gorgeous layouts.

You picked the layout, learned a thing or two about consistency, built the tool stack. Now lay back and see how engagement grows row by row. Try it with Planable. It’s free.

Luciana Nitu

“Digital devotee & data junky. SEO is my religion and Social Media is my playground. Reciprocate is my favorite word for both its meaning and its sound.”

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