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Upgrading Your Agency-Client Collaboration with Planable
2020 is coming, and so the trends are shifting. I believe the year 2020 is for discovering the secret of indie agencies working with large accounts. Big agency groups are starting to make more space for indie agencies. Successful independent agencies can sometimes be...
This July’s Top Marketing Industry News
Welcome back to our favorite part of the month - a roundup of some of the best, important, and interesting new in the digital & marketing industry. This month we have tons of juicy stuff so let’s get into it and don't forget to check out our last month's marketing...
This June’s Top Marketing Industry News
Welcome to my favorite part of the month and give me a few minutes to tell you about the latest, juiciest, best, most interesting industry news of this first month of summer. And there’s been A LOOOT of them. The main heroes of this month have been Cannes Lions and...
This May’s Top Marketing Industry News
Well, well, well... happy to see that you’re back for our monthly piece. As always I scatter all over the web to find the juiciest and interesting news you’ve missed in May. So if you’ve been too busy focusing on building & creating content now’s a perfect chance...
This April’s Top Marketing Industry News
Today, everyone is celebrating the International Workers' Day. Definitely not me, obviously. Traditionally, I scatter all over the web to find out what was the best news of the previous month and recap all the most important event in digital marketing, social media,...
This March’s Top Marketing Industry News
Sooo this time of the month again, right? Join us for our monthly piece on the blog where we distill, analyze, discover and pick the best news in the industry so you stay up to date and keep creating exceptional content for your team. Last March offered us many things...
This November’s Top Social Media Industry News
Remember how we talked about the best and most important news in the social media industry this October? Awesome news, we are baaaaaack . A lot happened in the world of social media this month. We’ve seen the launch LinkedIn Pages (ex-Company Pages) willing to become...
This October’s Top Social Media Industry News
Welcome to our new way of bringing content goodies - each month’s top social media news. Facebook is on fire! This month’s star is definitely Facebook - it made the headlines multiple times with the latest earnings reports, products and updates in the platform. New...
30+ Professionals Share the Best Hacks on Growing Your Social Media Brand
As social media continues to expand, it seems like more and more businesses become comfortable with testing new ways and strategies to grow their social media presence. We all know that it has spectacular benefits in terms of raising awareness, reaching new customers,...