by Raluca Cirjan | Oct 28, 2022 | Marketing, Social Media
If the upcoming Thanksgiving makes you feel anything but grateful, you’ve come to the right place, fellow marketer! We know that planning marketing campaigns from scratch can be time-consuming. That’s why we’ve created a complete Holiday Marketing Kit that you can get...
by Raluca Cirjan | Oct 21, 2022 | Marketing, Social Media
Still working on your Cyber Monday social media posts? Ready or not, here it comes! And we all know what that means: deals, deals and more deals! If you want to change the pace for your social media followers and create something more unique than salesy, we’ve...
by Catalina Grigoriev | Oct 18, 2022 | Inspiration
Alongside trick-or-treating and Halloween decorations, there’s a special place in our hearts that belongs to Halloween costumes. Who doesn’t love the thrill of searching for a spooky costume? Now that the all-important shopping spree has begun, we wanted to help...
by Raluca Cirjan | Oct 11, 2022 | Marketing, Social Media
What’s keeping you up all night? Is your brain conjuring up spooky Halloween social media posts? Or is it the tap-tap-tapping at your window? The fact that the Halloween season is just around the corner is frightening enough (where does time fly?!) And planning...
by Leila Cruz | Oct 5, 2022 | Productivity, Social Media
If you’re looking for a more efficient way to manage your marketing projects, you may want to consider the Agile marketing methodology. This approach is based on the principles of Agile software development. It can be an effective way of transforming marketing teams...
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